I became a professional singer and songwriter at the age of 24. Not because I was the best musician, but because I felt as though I did not have another option. I was called to connection. To be a part of an ongoing conversation with my listeners that has now lasted for two decades. The desire to write a stronger song, play a better show, make a bigger difference. That hunger has kept me “on the RISE” for more than 20 years now.

This grand adventure has taken me to more than 2300 stages in 21 countries, and most recently to an incredibly moving virtual tour in promotion of my new book, “Objects in the Mirror: Thoughts on a Perfect Life from an Imperfect Person.” I’ve gotten to land on an aircraft carrier, meet many of my heroes, have my work nominated for a Grammy and play at some of the most legendary venues in the world. More than that though, I’ve had an opportunity to live an exciting life, filled with meaning. To RISE by learning from others and observing the wide world that exists out there.
Often times over the course of my grand adventure, I’ve met folks who have attempted to define my career based on their own metrics. It’s easy to examine things in these terms. Sales. Awards. Hit songs. TV appearances. To be sure these are wonderful accomplishments, but one thing I’ve learned on my journey is that the real reward comes from the quality of your relationships and the depth of your character.
I met RISE’s CEO, Grant Gyesky, years ago, long before there even was a RISE. We struck up a friendship that has never wavered and I couldn’t be more proud of the company he’s been a part of helping build, and the products that RISE is bringing to the marketplace.
I know it’s not fashionable to say this, but I’m a straight shooter and the truth is that I don’t drink coffee. Never have. But I loved the aspect of RISE giving back to local communities and I kept hearing from all my friends how great RISE coffee was. I told my friends on the RISE team to let me know when they had something for us tea drinkers. Well I’m pleased to report, that I am now utterly and entirely hooked on “London Fog.” It’s the perfect blend of Earl Grey tea and Oat Milk Latte, all condensed into one beautiful little can.

These are unique times we are living in. We are facing challenges like never before. But having companies like RISE in my corner and standing together only makes me feel stronger and more hopeful that we’ll all be “on the RISE” before we know it. I keep that in mind on mornings when I open up my nitro can of “London Fog” and “unleash the roar.” I’m proud to be partnering with RISE on my upcoming “Experience Tour 2.0: Home Is Wherever You Are."
RISE ABOVE IT: Taryn Southern
Thank You 2020