FOX College football & RISE Brewing will join promotional forces to identify college football fans who start Saturday strong 🏈 ⁠And FOX Sports is all-in with a whole day of coverage starting with Big Noon Kickoff at 10a ET with highlights and analysis from some of the coolest guys in college football who keep you up-to-speed on what’s happening on the field.
Even better, FOX and RISE Brewing Co. are making college football Saturdays even more fun with the Fuel Your Superfan Sweepstakes. Throughout the month of September & October, we will encourage fans to submit a video showing their school spirit morning prep routine for the big game each week. We will be giving away weekly prizes to one winner, with a grand prize winner at the end of the season receiving a year’s supply of their favorite RISE coffee, a trip for two and tickets to 2022 FOX Big Noon Game! ⁠
It’s without a doubt going to be a college football season to remember on FOX, especially if you win some cool stuff.

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