By Mia Perovetz Gyesky
Summer is coming to a close...
You can feel it in the air - the late nights and carefree mornings are catching up to all of us. it's amazing how at the beginning of summer, one can't wait to break out of a routine. I myself was done driving the school drop off in MAY (school ends in June). I craved long summer nights at the beach or in the backyard catching fireflies and eating smores by the fire. But suddenly as mid-August hits - so does a little hysteria - we see September on the horizon and that calls for structure and discipline.
Maybe it’s a universal tug at us all to ground us - for the fall! In the fall, we tighten the ropes around us a little tighter in order to implement and execute at work and with family.
I am the first to admit my ‘execution’ always needs a little assistance - I drive myself crazy with to-do lists, goals, and routines. As a mom of two little monkeys, a routine is paramount to not throw anyone off course when school starts... otherwise, the wheels fall off and balancing work and a functioning home for my family becomes an added challenge.
We are all creatures of habit - I know that in order to feel productive in the morning there are two things I need to accomplish: my coffee intake, and my workout.  They both coexist nicely with each other, and work wonders on my productivity and mood.
I would love to tell you a romantic story of how I first fell for RISE, but it was merely thrust upon me, back in the early days of our company’s initial startup.  It was tried and tested in my garage, kegs were cleaned in our office above the garage, and my whole house looked like a scene from a high school science fair. I have to admit it, I wasn’t that into the smell of coffee wafting down the hallway 24/7. When my husband (CEO and Co-founder of RISE) would come into the room, his hands stained in coffee - I would politely get out of dodge to avoid the smell. But in the early mornings, waking with kids as the sun would RISE, I found myself reaching for his cup from a keg he'd left to brew the night before.
Before long, a strong and reliable routine was ingrained in me. A slogan passed around our house for children's swag is a t-shirt that states "Has your mom RISEn" My kids know before I've had my RISE they need to tread carefully with their requests and negotiations. But once I've had it and my day begins everything can fit simultaneously into place: lunches = packed, homework = packed, breakfast done, teeth brushed, hair brushed, shoes on, and we are by the mudroom door ready to go! Once I drop the kids off at school, I take advantage of a quick workout. RISE helps increase your metabolic burn without the edgy feeling or acidity on your stomach, always a plus. I then can approach my work with a clearer picture in my head of what I need to accomplish, instead of feeling groggy.
I feel confident that RISE will help me power through "getting back into the routine".  I especially love that they have just released a line of ready to drink lattes - a RISE Oat Milk Latte, a Mocha Latte, and a Classic Latte.  All are 150 Calories or less, USDA certified Organic and made with real ingredients.  The best way to start my day!

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